Understanding the Labouchere System

labouchere betting strategyThe Labouchere betting system plays out like a mathematical dance, delicately balancing wins and losses through a predefined numerical sequence. It’s neither mysterious nor arcane; rather, it’s a logical progression of bets tailored to the gambler’s discretion.

In essence, you craft your betting list, where each number represents a betting unit. Starting at either end, you combine those units to place your wager. Success means crossing out numbers; failure requires appending numbers to the sequence and dynamically adjusting your roadmap.

What’s termed “cancellation betting” creates a structured yet flexible approach to gambling in top online casinos 2024, offering a semblance of control amidst the inherent uncertainty of the game.

Origins and Purpose

The Labouchere System, also known as the cancellation system or split martingale, is not the creation of a mad gambler but a deliberate method to manage bets. Henry Labouchere, its originator, was an avid roulette player.

Designed for even-money bets games like roulette, it dictates play without gut instinct, using a structure that potentially extends game time. Its primary function: mitigate losses while seeking incremental gains.

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The Labouchere System was developed in the 19th century and remains popular among systematic bettors today.

Unlike random betting, the Labouchere creates an action plan. Players remove or add numbers on a sequence to adjust their subsequent wagers based on wins and losses, which provides a calculated approach to betting—a method in the madness.

By setting yourself a clear goal and game plan, you know when to quit and when to raise and lower your bets to reach your goal better.

Basic Mechanics of the Labouchere Strategy

The Labouchere system is less confounding than it sounds; it’s a sequence-based betting strategy primarily used in roulette.

  • Write down a sequence of numbers which represent betting units; this line dictates your bet amounts.
  • Cross off numbers at both ends when you win, and add the sum to the end if you lose.
  • Your initial bet should be the sum of the first and last numbers in your sequence.

Sticking to this method requires discipline—it’s easy to get carried away by altering the sequence.

Once you clear the entire sequence, that’s your cue to either walk away or start anew—hopefully, with some extra chips in your pocket.

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Unless you have an exceptional memory, this strategy is only doable when playing online due to the need of noting down your progress in the sequence.

Labouchere Strategy – How to Use it in Gambling

Using the Labouchere system is like making a strategic move in the gambling world. First, decide how much you want to win and create a sequence of numbers based on that. Each number represents how much you’ll bet.

Start by betting the sum of the first and last numbers in your sequence. If you win, cross out those numbers. If you lose, add the value of your last bet to the end of the sequence. The goal is to cross out all the numbers and win your desired amount. It’s important to stick to your sequence and stay disciplined. If you do, you might just come out on top.

Example Using the Labouchere Strategy to Win €20

Starter Sequence: 1-2-3-2-2-1-2-3-2-2

  • Initial Bet: You start by adding the first and last numbers in your sequence: 1 + 2 = €3. You place a bet of €3.
  • Outcome: Unfortunately, you lose this bet.

Sequence Update: Since you lost, you add the amount you just bet (€3) to the end of your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 1-2-3-2-2-1-2-3-2-2-3.

  • Next Bet: Now, you add the first and last numbers again: 1 + 3 = €4. You place a bet of €4.
  • Outcome: This time, you win the bet.

Sequence Update: Since you won, you cross out the first and last number in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 2-3-2-2-1-2-3-2-2.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 2 + 2 = €4. You place a bet of €4.
  • Outcome: You win this bet as well.

Sequence Update: Again, you cross out the first and last number in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 3-2-2-1-2-3-2.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 3 + 2 = €5. You place a bet of €5.
  • Outcome: Unfortunately, you lose this bet.

Sequence Update: Since you lost, you add the amount you just bet (€5) to the end of your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 3-2-2-1-2-3-2-5.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 3 + 5 = €8. You place a bet of €8.
  • Outcome: You win this bet.

Sequence Update: You cross out the first and last numbers in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 2-2-1-2-3-2.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 2 + 2 = €4. You place a bet of €4.
  • Outcome: You win this bet.

Sequence Update: You cross out the first and last numbers in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 2-1-2-3.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 2 + 3 = €5. You place a bet of €5.
  • Outcome: Unfortunately, you lose this bet.

Sequence Update: Since you lost, you add the amount you just bet (€5) to the end of your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 2-1-2-3-5.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 2 + 5 = €7. You place a bet of €7.
  • Outcome: You win this bet.

Sequence Update: You cross out the first and last numbers in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 1-2-3.

  • Next Bet: Add the first and last numbers: 1 + 3 = €4. You place a bet of €4.
  • Outcome: You win this bet.

Sequence Update: You cross out the first and last numbers in your sequence. Your new sequence becomes: 2.

  • Next Bet: You only have one bet left: 2. You place a bet of €2.
  • Outcome: You win this bet.

Congratulations! You have successfully used the Labouchere strategy to win a total of €20.

Crafting Your Perfect Sequence

Creating the perfect Labouchere sequence starts with determining your desired winnings. It’s crucial to set a doable goal based on your budget.

For example, the example above based on a €20 profit is unlikely to work if you have a budget of €30. You need to leave some wiggle room as you might end up on a longer losing streak, so you must make it possible to catch up. Having a budget of €100 is more likely to succeed.

Once you have your goal ready, split up the full amount in smaller bets based on your playstyle. The exact sequence is completely up to you and your preferences. It can be as long or short as you wish, and you can vary between small and large numbers.

A goal of €20 can use these sequences, for example:

  • 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
  • 1-1-2-2-3-3-2-2-2-1-1
  • 1-2-3-4-5-2-2-1
  • 2-4-6-4-2-2
  • 2-3-5-5-3-2
  • 5-5-5-5

The above list shows sequences from low to higher risk. Both can work, but it depends on the budget and game you are playing.

For high-risk players, larger units can lead to bigger wins, while low-risk players may opt for smaller units.

Tips for a Perfect Sequence:

  • It’s advised to put smaller numbers at the end so you have more wiggle room in the beginning.
  • Instead of setting a larger goal with many numbers in the sequence, it can be better to set smaller goals over multiple sessions. For example, if your main goal is €100 and you aim for a low-risk betting style, a sequence with 50 €2’s will be a nightmare to control. Instead, split up your goal into smaller portions, like € 20s or € 10s, for more manageable sequences.
  • Remember to make a sequence suitable for your budget. If you don’t have much wiggle room in terms of your budget vs goal, aim for small numbers in the sequence to allow for a potential losing streak.

Modifying Sequences Strategically

When adjusting your sequence post-bet, whether it’s a win or loss, keep your end goal in sight. It’s tempting to veer off course in the heat of the moment, but discipline is paramount.

After losses, avoid dramatic increases to the sequence. This preserves bankroll longevity and prevents rash decisions.

Sometimes, splitting or combining numbers within your sequence is strategic, especially if you’re recovering from losses or adjusting to a changing bankroll. This flexibility can help smooth out the variance inherent in gambling but always do so with a keen eye on risk management.

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For example, if your sequence has become this after a few losses: 2-1-2-3-5-7, instead of adding 9 at your next loss, add 4-5 or 3-3-3 to prevent upping the risk too much. This will give you many more chances to recover your loss.

Deviating too much from your initial strategy could lead to a longer, more treacherous path towards your financial target.

Where to Use the Labouchere Betting System

The Labouchere system is a flexible beast, most at home in games offering even-money bets. Casino classics like roulette, baccarat, and craps become prime hunting grounds. It’s also used in sports betting, especially in situations with 50/50 odds — think moneylines or over/under totals.

Avoid applying the Labouchere to games with long odds or steep house edges. The system demands equal odds of winning and losing for proper functionality. Slot machines, keno, and the lottery are not Labouchere-friendly arenas. Stick to those where the bet outcomes are as balanced as a tightrope walker.

Labouchere Roulette Strategy

The Labouchere system is particularly well-suited for European roulette, as it allows players to capitalize on even-money bets and navigate the ups and downs of the game. This sequential betting strategy provides a structured approach that can help maintain a stable bankroll.

When using the Labouchere system in roulette, it is recommended to focus on even-money bets such as red/black, odd/even, or high/low. These bets offer a higher probability of winning, making them ideal for this strategy. If you don’t already know how to play the game, check our how to play European roulette online guide.

In terms of choosing the type of roulette, it is generally advisable to opt for European or French roulette over American roulette. European and French roulette have a single zero pocket, while American roulette has an additional double zero pocket. This difference in the number of pockets gives European and French roulette better odds for players, increasing the chances of success when using the Labouchere system.

By combining the Labouchere system with even-money bets and choosing the right type of roulette, you can enhance your chances of success and approach the game with a structured and strategic mindset.

Other Casino Games for Labouchere

Labouchere can be applied to several other casino games besides roulette. The important factor is to choose games with as close to 50/50 bets as possible to make it work smoothly with Labouchere.

Slots aren’t ideal for this tactic.

The Labouchere system shines when games of choice offer even money bets. You may want to look at table games, like baccarat, craps, or blackjack. When applied to baccarat, for instance, you could use it on the Banker or Player bets. Similarly, in craps, you can employ Labouchere on ‘Pass’ or ‘Don’t Pass’ lines.

Blackjack is an ok candidate for Labouchere.

The Labouchere system can be used in blackjack, but it may not be the most ideal strategy. Unlike roulette, blackjack involves more betting options like doubling down and splitting pairs, which can complicate the Labouchere system designed for even-money bets. Additionally, blackjack requires strategic decision-making based on the cards dealt, making the Labouchere system less flexible.

While it’s possible to use the Labouchere system in blackjack with a focus on even-money bets, considering other strategies tailored to the game’s dynamics may be more effective.

Baccarat can be a good option

Playing baccarat online real money is a good option for the Labouchere system due to its simplicity and straightforward betting options. Players can divide their desired profit into multiple bets on the player or banker, aligning with the system’s focus on even-money bets.

Baccarat’s straightforward nature makes it easier to follow the Labouchere system’s progression and adapt bets based on wins or losses.

Sports Bets with 50/50 outcomes

The Labouchere system can be used in certain sports events where the outcomes can be roughly considered 50/50, such as certain types of head-to-head matchups. The Labouchere system could be adapted for use in this context, adjusting the bet amounts according to wins and losses.

Craps can be a good choice

By betting on the Pass/Don’t Pass or Come/Don’t Come bets, players can apply the Labouchere system. These bets are essentially 50/50 propositions, making them suitable for this type of betting strategy.

Managing Risks with Labouchere

The Labouchere system is a strategic approach to betting that aims to minimize losses and maintain a structured method of play. By following a pre-planned betting sequence and exercising discipline, players can mitigate the risk of depleting their bankroll too quickly.

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However, it's important to note that the Labouchere system does not guarantee immunity against losses, and gambling always carries inherent risks. The Labouchere system can make the betting process more structured, but it does not overcome the house edge in any casino game. The success of such systems, in the long run, is debatable, as they cannot guarantee a profit due to the element of luck and the mathematical advantage that the house holds in all casino games.

To effectively use the Labouchere system, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your personal risk tolerance. Adjusting the initial sequence to align with your bankroll reality is crucial for long-term success. With the Labouchere system, players have the opportunity to take control of their betting strategy and navigate the unpredictable nature of chance in a calculated and strategic manner.

Bankroll Considerations

Gear up for a reality check.

When swinging into the Labouchere system, bankroll management isn’t just a smart move – it’s essential survival gear. A beefy bankroll serves as a buffer against the inevitable volatility of the game. Without this financial cushion, you could quickly nosedive into a bankroll black hole.

Hence, sizing your goal and bets proportionately to your bankroll is paramount to avoid an early exit from the betting arena.

Size matters in wagering sequences.

With the Labouchere, your stakes can ramp up quickly – faster than a greyhound on a rabbit’s tail. This demands a bankroll with the elasticity to absorb fluctuations, ensuring you’re not wiped out after a couple of losses.

Less is more here: conservative sequences can safeguard your bankroll health, prolonging your gameplay. It might take a bit longer, but you are far more likely to succeed.

Prepare for the long haul.

In the throes of betting, exceeding your limits is as easy as pie unless you have a plan. Establish a clear walk-away point – be it profit or loss limits. By doing so, you prevent the heartbreak of devastating losses and ensure you can fight another hand.

Know when to reset your sequence

Knowing when to reset your Labouchere sequence is crucial for continued play without risking your bankroll. If you’re experiencing a continuous losing streak or your sequence has become overwhelming, it’s wise to hit the reset button. Additionally, resetting after reaching a satisfactory profit or when the fun has dwindled can help maintain a balanced approach to gambling.

Pros and Cons of the Labouchere Betting Strategy

The Labouchere betting strategy is a popular system used by gamblers to manage their bets effectively. However, it might not be the perfect betting system for everyone, so we advise you to try it out by playing in demo mode before you try for real money. It can be a good strategy to try several different betting strategies to see how it works with your playstyle and find the perfect one.

Below, you can find some of the pros and cons of the Labouchere system:


  • Structured Betting Plan: The Labouchere system provides a clear and systematic approach to betting, helping players avoid impulsive and emotional decisions.
  • Flexibility: Players can customize their initial number sequence to match their risk tolerance and budget, allowing for a personalized betting experience.
  • Profit Goals: The system focuses on achieving a specific profit target, keeping players motivated and focused on their financial goals.
  • Loss Recovery: The Labouchere system aims to recover losses through a series of wins, adjusting bet sizes based on previous outcomes.


  • Complicated: It's not the most straightforward betting strategy, and it's easy to get lost in the sequence.
  • Doesn't work with all games: Roulette, craps and baccarat are the main games for Labouchere as it's designed to work for 50/50 bets. If you prefer other casino games, Labouchere won't cut it.

Labouchere VS Other Betting Strategies

  • Martingale System: While the Martingale system is simple and aggressive, the Labouchere system offers a more balanced approach, spreading the risk over multiple bets and mitigating rapid loss of funds.
  • D’Alembert System: The D’Alembert system is less aggressive than the Labouchere system, but it may not recover losses as quickly. The Labouchere system’s flexibility allows for faster recovery and dynamic bankroll management.
  • Fibonacci System: The Fibonacci system is less flexible than the Labouchere system and requires a significant bankroll to sustain long losing streaks. The Labouchere system offers more control over bet sizes and profit targets.
  • Paroli System: The Paroli system focuses on maximizing wins without a clear plan for recovering losses. In contrast, the Labouchere system provides mechanisms for both profit targeting and loss recovery.

Overall, the Labouchere system stands out for its flexibility, structured approach, and ability to recover losses. However, it’s important to remember that no betting system can guarantee consistent wins, and responsible gambling is always key.


The Labouchere system is a structured betting strategy.

Originating from the mathematical mind of Henry Labouchere, this negative progression system requires bettors to jot down a sequence of numbers, each representing betting units. Players cross out or add numbers based upon winning or losing bets. As such, it’s a dynamic strategy that adapts to the ebbs and flows of one’s gambling fortunes.

Its application extends across even-money betting markets. Adherence to this system can lead to systematic wagering—as long as losses aren’t chasing you into a corner. The key lies in managing your sequence adeptly; avoid letting your betting line become too intimidating, or your experience may sour.

Stepping into the Labouchere without knowledge is like piloting a ship without a compass. Understanding this sequence-based strategy, intricate in its simplicity, can navigate bettors through tumultuous gambling seas, ensuring the wagering voyage remains profitable and engaging, as reflected in betting circles since its conception.


Is the Labouchere system legal to use in casinos?

Absolutely, it’s completely within the rules to use this strategy whilst betting.

How effective is the Labouchere strategy compared to other betting strategies?

The Labouchere isn’t a guaranteed win generator – no system is. But, it does promote disciplined betting and can help manage your bankroll. It’s also a flexible betting system that allows you to spread out the risks compared to Martingale, for example.

Be mindful, however, that no system can overcome the house edge in the long term. Its effectiveness is influenced by the player’s ability to stick to the rules and adapt the sequence wisely without chasing losses.

Can the Labouchere betting system be used for all types of bets?

No, it’s typically deployed on even-money bets like red/black in roulette or odd/even. Its structure is not well-suited for inside bets or those with higher payouts due to steeper progression.

What should I do if my betting sequence becomes too long and complex?

If you find your sequence getting out of hand, it may be a signal to step back and reassess. Some players choose to split long sequences into smaller, more manageable ones or to reset the strategy. Remember, the goal is to remain composed, avoid hasty decisions, and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Kate WebbEditor in Chief

With over ten years of experience working with gambling and writing about casinos, Kate brings a lot of knowledge to CasinoTop3.com. Kate oversees all the content written on CasinoTop3.com to ensure it contains factual information with value to you as a player.