Why Learn Online Blackjack Strategy?

Having a good strategy is essential in any casino game but crucial for succeeding in blackjack. Since blackjack is one of the few casino games where strategy and gameplay can greatly impact the results, you need to know when to hit and when to stand.

Learning the basic blackjack rules is a good start for success, but if you want to take your blackjack game to the next level, you should learn blackjack basic strategy.

Basic blackjack strategy is based on mathematical calculations and statistical analysis. By learning the strategy, you will be able to make informed decisions based on the probabilities of different outcomes. This will help you avoid making impulsive or irrational choices that can lead to unnecessary losses.

Instead of relying solely on luck, you will have a sense of control and confidence in your decisions. This can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling experience at the blackjack table.

Key Factors to Keep in Mind

Several variations of blackjack exist, each with small variations to the rules that can impact your strategy. However, the main objective of the game is to beat the dealer by getting a hand as close to 21 as possible. The value of each card is determined using the following points system:

  • Each numerical card 2-10 counts as its numerical value
  • The face cards J, Q, K each have 10 points
  • The Ace card is valued as either 1 or 11, by decision of the player

The dealer will deal each player two cards faced up, and themselves one face-up card, called the ‘upcard’ and another face-down card, known as the ‘hole card’. These cards are crucial for your strategy, which you can later see in out blackjack card.

Odds of Winning Blackjack with Basic Strategy

When playing blackjack with basic strategy, the odds of winning can be significantly improved compared to relying on luck or intuition alone. Basic strategy is a set of predetermined decisions that guide players on how to act in different blackjack scenarios based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s upcard. You need to know when to hit and stand in blackjack for the optimal result.

If you are already familiar with casino games, it will come as no surprise that the house edge is present and inevitable in any game since this is where online casinos make their profits.

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By following a basic strategy, players can reduce the house edge to as low as 0.5%. This means that for every £100 wagered, the casino can expect to make an average profit of only £0.50. The specific odds of winning with basic strategy can vary depending on factors such as the number of decks in play and the specific rules of the game, but generally, players can expect to win around 48-49% of their hands.

However, it’s important to note that basic blackjack strategy alone does not guarantee consistent winning. Blackjack is still a game of chance, and you can expect both lucky and unlucky streaks. It simply provides the best mathematical decisions based on the probabilities of different outcomes.

Strategy Reliability

Blackjack strategy is based on each time making the optimal move, depending on your hand against the dealer’s upcard. It was derived by trial and error using computer algorithms to solve a large volume of games, considering every possible combination of outcomes to determine the best moves in each situation.

This means the strategy is based on real data and thus is mathematically proven to improve the player’s odds.

The Blackjack Chart

The basic strategy can be summarised in a chart. It is worth noting that not all charts are exactly identical, as they can be tailored to rule-specific games. Here we will introduce the most generic one, which can be tailored and amended later on.

blackjack cheat sheet

Click here to see the image in a bigger size.

How To Use the Blackjack Basic Strategy Card

The card shows all possible combinations of the player’s hand in relation to the dealer’s upcard and the corresponding optimal moves in each scenario.

The chart will offer guidance on what your next operation should be. The operations involved in a game of blackjack are listed in order of precedence below.

Order Of Operations

  1. Surrender – Some casinos allow players to surrender on the first two cards they are dealt before taking a hit card. This is also known as late surrender (LS).
  2. Split –  If the first two cards are a pair or if you have two ten-valued cards, you may choose to split them.
  3. Double – If you are dealt a good hand, you may choose to double down on your wager for a larger return. However, some casinos may have restrictions in place with respect to doubling down on certain hands.
  4. Hit or stand – In each round, you may opt to take another card (hit) or not (stand).

How To Master the Blackjack Chart

The strategy chart does not need to be committed to memory since you may have it at hand when you play online blackjack. When taking the strategy into a traditional casino, it would be helpful to take in a blackjack strategy card with you or download the chart onto your phone for easy reference.

Nonetheless, the strategy is at its most effective when used by well-practised players who have learned the technique well, especially when it comes to live games.Practice makes perfect – so by time you will learn the card by heart and have no need to look at the blackjack card for reference.

Side Bets and Blackjack Basic Strategy

One of the key aspects of Blackjack is the side bets. These can make or break your blackjack strategy and increase your chances of winning. However, if used wrongly, they can quickly become a money drain.

Below, we go through some of the most common side bets and give you a quick rule of thumb for when they should be used to your advantage.

Stay clear of the Insurance Bet

An important rule of thumb to remember is to always stay clear of insurance bets. Taking insurance bets in blackjack is generally not recommended because it increases the house edge and reduces the player’s overall chances of winning.

The insurance bet is a side bet that is offered when the dealer’s upcard is an Ace. While it may seem like a way to protect against the dealer having a blackjack, statistically, it is not a profitable bet in the long run. It is more advantageous for players to focus on making strategic decisions based on basic blackjack strategy rather than taking insurance bets.

Surrendering Techniques

A surrender bet is an option that allows players to forfeit half of their original bet and give up their hand. This option is typically offered when the player’s initial two cards are dealt and before any additional actions are taken.

Surrendering can be a strategic move when the player believes their chances of winning are low, such as when facing a strong dealer’s upcard. It can help minimize losses in certain situations, but it is important to consider the specific rules and conditions of surrender before deciding to use this option.

A general rule of thumb for using surrender is when you have a hard 16 (total hand value of 16) against the dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace upcard. This is because, in these situations, the player’s chances of winning are significantly low, and surrendering can help minimize losses.

  • A 16-valued hand surrenders against upcards 9 to Ace
  • Surrender a 15-valued hand against a 10 upcard


In blackjack, splitting is an option that allows players to divide a pair of cards into two separate hands and play them individually. This is typically done when the player’s initial two cards are of the same rank.

Splitting can be advantageous in many cases, but an easy rule of thumb is to always split a pair of 8s or Aces, as it allows them to potentially improve their hands and increase their chances of winning. Besides that, other times to split are:

  • For pairs of 2s, 3s or 7s, split against dealer upcards 2-7, and hit otherwise
  • For pairs of 4s, split for a 5 or 6 upcard and hit otherwise
  • For pairs of 6s, split against upcards 2-6, and split otherwise
  • Never split a pair of 5s and 10s
  • Always split a pair of 8s and Aces
  • Split a pair of 9s against dealer’s 2-9, except for 7 and stand otherwise

Soft VS Hard Hands

Understanding the concept of soft and hard hands is crucial for developing an effective blackjack strategy.

A soft hand is a hand that contains an Ace that can be counted as either 1 or 11 without busting. For example, an Ace and a 6 would be considered a soft 17. Soft hands are advantageous because they provide flexibility and reduce the risk of busting. Players can hit or double down on soft hands without the fear of going over 21.

On the other hand, a hard hand is a hand that does not contain an Ace or contains an Ace that must be counted as 1 to avoid busting. For example, a hand with a 10 and a 7 would be considered a hard 17. Hard hands require more caution, as hitting can easily result in a bust.

Knowing whether you have a soft or hard hand is crucial for making the right decisions in blackjack. Basic strategy charts are designed to guide players on how to play each hand based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s upcard. The strategy for soft hands often involves doubling down or hitting, while the strategy for hard hands may involve standing, hitting, or even surrendering in certain situations.

Below, we go through some of the key rules for optimal strategy.

Soft Totals

  • Double down on A,2 and A,3 against a 5 or 6 upcard, and stand otherwise
  • Double down on A,4 and A,5 against upcards 4 to 6, and stand otherwise
  • Double down on A,6 and A,7 against upcards 3 through 6
  • Always stand with A,8 through A,10

Hard Totals

  • Always hit for hard 5-8
  • Double down on a hard 9 against dealer’s 3-6, and hit otherwise
  • Double down on a 10 against a dealer’s 9 or less
  • Always double down on a hard 11, except when upcard is an Ace
  • For a hard 12, stand against upcards 4 to 6 and hit otherwise
  • For hard 13 through 16 always stand against upcards 2 through 6 and hit otherwise
  • Always stand with a hard 17 and over

Advanced Blackjack Strategy

Although employing only basic strategy will enhance players’ chances of winning at blackjack, we will also be exploring more advanced blackjack strategies for those serious about perfecting their skills with the intention of turning a profit.

In particular, we will be introducing card counting, starting out by first straightening out any misconceptions you may have surrounding the technique’s legality and workability.

What Is Card Counting?

Card counting is effectively a tracking technique which keeps a tab of all the cards played to get a rough idea of which ones remain in the shoe. This gives players a better idea of how they should bet, according to what the next outcomes could be. You will find a brief description below, but for more in-depth reading, we recommend you check out our guide on how card counting works.

With this said, keep in mind that you cannot count the cards when playing RNG blackjack games, as the results are randomly drawn. Also, most live blackjack casinos and real casinos will swap their decks often to make card counting a nearly impossible strategy.

Common Misconceptions

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False: Card Counting Is Illegal

Card counting is not explicitly illegal. However, most casinos will act against players suspected of using it since they can seriously cost the casino if they hit a winning streak. Making use of counting machines or devices is indeed considered as cheating, but mentally applying a strategy does not break any rules. Of course, this is not a problem with online casinos, making them ideal for practising the technique.

False: Card Counting Is Difficult

You do not need to be a mathematical prodigy to count cards. The technique involves very simple operations such as addition and subtraction but requires complete concentration on the game. If dedicated to learning the skill, anyone can master it through intentional and committed practice.

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How To Count Cards in Blackjack

The technique is based on the notion that large cards favour the player. Basically, it involves assigning a value to each card in the deck. Usually, the following values are assigned:

  • Low valued cards 2-6 assigned +1
  • Middle valued cards 7-9 are given value 0
  • High valued cards such as the face cards and Aces are assigned -1

When the cards are dealt, start counting from zero and add or subtract the corresponding value for each card played and discard, keeping a running count.

True Count

For games which make use of multiple decks, the running count needs to be divided further by the number of decks left to obtain what is known as the true count.

When it comes to your turn, the true count can then be used to determine which way you should adjust your bet.

  • High positive true count: if a lot of small cards have been revealed, it is likely that a face card or ace will be next, in which case you should increase your bet
  • Low count: if a lot of high cards have been revealed, a low one will probably be next in which case you should bet lower your wager as the odds are not in your favour


To illustrate how card counting should be used, consider the following example using a singular deck of cards such that running count = true count.

Card RevealedActionRunning Count
Beginning of round/ 0
2 +1 +1
4 +1­ +2
10 -1 +1
9 0 +1
K -1 0
A -1 -1

In such a case, the true count is negative, which means that the player should seek to lower their bet since a lot of high cards have been played, indicating that the remaining deck is rich in small cards.

Is Card Counting Worthwhile?

Mastering the technique takes dedication and practice, making it worthwhile for players who are really committed to turning their games into an investment opportunity rather than for recreational blackjack players. Profit is obtained by getting more wins than losses overall, which is possible when the odds are in the player’s favour, allowing them to make winning bets larger than their losing bets.

Tips For Playing Blackjack

  • Basic strategy is not enough - While it may appreciably increase your chances of winning, you will need more advanced strategies, such as card counting, to turn a profit.
  • A good game is a perfect game - Strategic gameplay littered with blunders is equivalent to not implementing a strategy at all. While it is normal and expected to make mistakes when trying something new, make sure your game is good enough before taking strategies into the casinos, which brings us to our next point.
  • Practice makes perfect - We’ve heard it a thousand times before because it’s true. Intentional practice is the only way to really master strategic play. A good place to start would be at any casino from this list of fast paying casinos, where you can practice from the comfort of your own home.
  • Make sure to check the rules - The first thing you should do when trying out a new game or casino is to check the rules. How many decks will the game us? Does the casino allow late surrender?

Where Can Blackjack Basic Strategies Be Used?

All strategies mentioned in this article can either be used in traditional casinos or applied as an online blackjack strategy, since they can also be used at any overseas casino accepting UK players. If intrigued by betting strategies and how they can impact the outcome of casino games, why not try out another popular tabletop card game at baccarat casinos?


Why are there different blackjack strategy charts?

There are a number of variations of the game, each with some variations to the rules. However, the basic strategy explained here is sufficiently effective against all most types of blackjack and is a great start to improving your winning chances.

Is there a blackjack perfect strategy?

Basic strategy improves your odds and when paired with card counting creates an effective technique for turning a profit. Nonetheless, it is crucial to bet well within your limits and play responsibly.

How can I remember the strategies once I’m in-game?

You can always refer to the strategy chart when playing online. However, it is highly recommended to get some practice before taking your game to a casino. Play the game in free-play to get the hang of the rules and try out when to hit and stand.

What is a surrender bet in blackjack?

A surrender bet is an option that allows players to forfeit half of their original bet and give up their hand. It can be a strategic move to minimize losses in certain situations, such as when facing a strong dealer’s upcard.

Can I use advanced strategies like card counting in blackjack?

While card counting can further improve the player’s odds of winning, it is important to note that it is not legal in all casinos and can result in being banned if detected. Besides, it’s nearly impossible to successfully count cards in online blackjack games.

What is the difference between soft and hard hands in blackjack?

A soft hand is a hand that contains an Ace that can be counted as either 1 or 11 without busting, while a hard hand does not contain an Ace or contains an Ace that must be counted as 1 to avoid busting.

How can basic blackjack strategy improve my chances of winning?

By following basic blackjack strategy, players can significantly improve their odds of winning and reduce the house edge to as low as 0.5%.

Kate WebbEditor in Chief

With over ten years of experience working with gambling and writing about casinos, Kate brings a lot of knowledge to CasinoTop3.com. Kate oversees all the content written on CasinoTop3.com to ensure it contains factual information with value to you as a player.