Basic Baccarat Game Rules

Let’s get right into the nuts and bolts of online Baccarat, stripping it down to the bare basics. We’re starting off with the objective, card values as well as bets and payouts.

Even if you’re a rookie, you’ll find these rules of Baccarat effortless to grasp. We’re breaking it down for you, so winning the big game will no longer be just a pipe dream.

The Objective of Baccarat

In the card game of Baccarat, your ultimate mission is deceptively simple: Bet on the hand you reckon will score closest to nine.

Compared to Blackjack, which might seem similar at first, you don’t have any say in how the game is played. The ‘Player’ is not you but a fictional person who represents the player.

You have three betting options – ‘Player’, ‘Banker’, or a ‘Tie’. Remember, it’s not about holding the winning hand but accurately predicting it.

  • Ultimate goal in Baccarat: Bet on the hand that scores closest to nine.
  • Three betting options: ‘Player’, ‘Banker’, or ‘Tie’.
  • Key to success: Predicting the winning hand, not necessarily holding it.

Card Values

Understanding card values in Baccarat is the key to elevating your game strategy. Each card holds a specific value that adds up to your game’s score, determining whether you win or lose.

  • Ace has a value of 1
  • Numbers 2-9 hold face value
  • 10s and face cards (Kings, Queens, Jacks) count as zero

It’s important to remember that a hand value cannot exceed 9. If it does, the first digit gets dropped and only the value between 0-9 will count.

For example, if you have a hand with a 7 and a 5, the total value would be 2 (7+5=12, drop the tens digit). Similarly, if you have a hand with a 9 and a 6, the total value would be 5 (9+6=15, drop the tens digit). So, the key is to aim for a hand value that is as close to 9 as you can get without going over.

Baccarat Bets and Payouts

In the game of Baccarat, profits lie in making smart wagers. Understanding Baccarat’s bet types and their corresponding payouts can significantly boost your chance of winning big and is key for a good baccarat strategy. Let’s break down these options to help you gamble productively.

  1. The ‘Banker’ bet: You’re wagering that the Banker’s hand will win. This bet typically holds a 1.06% house edge, and wins are normally paid at 95%, as the Banker takes a small commission of your bet.
  2. The ‘Player’ bet: Here, you’re betting that the Player’s hand will win. The house edge usually sits at 1.24% and wins payout at even money.
  3. The ‘Tie’ bet: This bet means you’re anticipating the Banker’s and the Player’s hands to tie. Despite its tempting 8:1 or 9:1 payout, proceed with caution due to its high house edge—often as high as 14.36%.

Advanced Baccarat Rules

Escalating your Baccarat game means moving beyond basics. Advanced rules are your ticket to superior play; it’s about strategically betting on ‘Player,’ ‘Banker,’ or ‘Tie’. Learning these intricacies opens up winning avenues that rookie players may overlook. Although you don’t need to know all the card drawing rules to win real money in a casino EU, it can greatly improve your chances.

Mastering advanced Baccarat rules can significantly improve your strategy and odds, separating pro players from inexperienced ones.

Speech BubbleKate

This comprehensive guide on advanced Baccarat rules puts you in the club of the experienced. Knowing when a banker draws a card or when the player stands is what separates pros from amateurs. Harness these rules to significantly enhance your gaming strategy and odds.

Player Rules

So, you’ve stepped into the player’s arena, huh? Let’s demystify the basics real quick. If the player’s first hand adds up to an 8 or a 9, it’s a stand. Nothing else, no adding, no subtracting; it’s as simple as pie.

Say the total’s 6 or 7. Once again, the Player stands their ground. Got less than five? You’re gonna draw another card. Yup, you heard it right, another shot at winning. That’s Baccarat player rules for you in simple terms.

However, if you want to take it a step further

  • If the player’s first hand adds up to 8 or 9, it’s a stand.
  • If the player’s first hand adds up to 6 or 7, it’s also a stand.
  • If the player’s first hand adds up to 5 or less, they draw another card.
  • If the player draws a third card, there are additional rules for the banker’s hand:
    •  If the banker’s hand adds up to 2 or less, the banker must draw another card.
    • If the banker’s hand adds up to 3, the banker draws another card unless the player’s third card is an 8.
    • If the banker’s hand adds up to 4, the banker draws another card if the player’s third card is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
    • If the banker’s hand adds up to 5, the banker draws another card if the player’s third card is 4, 5, 6, or 7.
    • If the banker’s hand adds up to 6, the banker draws another card if the player’s third card is 6 or 7.
    • If the banker’s hand adds up to 7, the banker stands.

Remember, these rules apply specifically to the player’s hand in Baccarat.

Banker Rules

Let’s crack open Banker’s Side of Play today. The Banker’s move hinges on the Player’s third card. If the Player didn’t draw one, the Banker follows the same principles: draw a third card with a hand totalling 0-5; stand with 6-7.

Onto the specifics: When the Banker’s total is 2 or less, a card is always drawn– regardless of the Player’s third card. With a total of 3, a card is drawn unless the Player’s third card is an 8. Welcome to the Banker’s court.

Next up, if the Banker’s total is 4, he draws a card when the Player’s third card is 2-7. At 5, a third card is pulled if the Player’s third card is 4-7. If the Banker racks up 6, draw if the Player’s third card is a 6 or 7. With a total of 7, the Banker stands. There you go, Baccarat Banker rules unveiled!

You can also follow the steps below:

  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 8 or 9, it’s a stand.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 7, it’s also a stand.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 6 and the player’s third card is a 6 or 7, the banker stands. Otherwise, the banker draws another card.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 5 and the player’s third card is a 4, 5, 6, or 7, the banker stands. Otherwise, the banker draws another card.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 4 and the player’s third card is a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, the banker stands. Otherwise, the banker draws another card.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 3 and the player’s third card is not an 8, the banker draws another card. Otherwise, the banker stands.
  • If the banker’s first hand adds up to 2 or less, the banker always draws another card. These rules determine the actions the banker takes based on the player’s hand and the value of their own hand in Baccarat.

Baccarat Game Flow

Luck’s dance in the baccarat game isn’t mysterious. Starts with dealing two cards each to the player and banker. Sometimes, an additional card is dealt, all based on the totalling of the initial couple of cards as explained above.

Understanding the flow is like riding a high-stakes river. Cling to a raft of knowledge, respecting the current of the game. First comes the deal, then tallying points, possible third card, and finally, the victor’s toast.

Dealing the Cards

Once the bets are placed, it’s game on. Two cards are dealt, face-up, to both the player and banker. Whoever’s closest to nine, wins—it’s that simple. Check it—it’s your ace in a quick-start game of Baccarat.

Shuffling the cards is key. But in this digital era, rest assured the computer does the hard work! Whether online or live at a casino, the deck is shuffled before the deal commences. Now that’s a fair game, right?

Each round starts with two cards dealt to both sides. You don’t need to fret about the dealing order—it’s always the player first, then the banker. Keeping the order straight can help you stay ahead in your Baccarat game.

Is Knowing the Rules of Baccarat Important?

Absolutely, understanding the rules of Baccarat is your key to unlock success. Knowing the ins and outs is the key to success in any casino game. However, compared to more strategic games like blackjack or poker, you can get far even though you don’t know all the rules.

Being savvy with Baccarat rules can indeed level up your game, making you a formidable player at the table.

  • Knowing when to bet on the player or the banker.
  • Understanding the card values and their implications in the game.
  • Being aware of the bets and their respective payouts is a significant factor influencing your game strategy.


Recalling the game changers, remember that the objective in Baccarat is to bet on the hand – Player, Banker, or a Tie – that you predict will total closest to nine. Banker’s hand has a slight edge owing to the game rules, but due to the commission, it might not be the best choice overall. The Tie-option has a high payout, but the high house edge makes it a bad choice overall.

The condensed insights for big wins reveal the importance of understanding Baccarat bet payouts and the advanced drawing rules. Also, never undermine the nuances in dealing with the cards and the implications of card values.


What is Baccarat?

Baccarat is a popular card game where the goal is to have a hand value as close to 9 as possible.

How do I play Baccarat?

To play Baccarat, you place a bet on either the player’s hand, the banker’s hand, or a tie. The dealer then deals two cards to the player and two cards to the banker.

What are the player rules in Baccarat?

The player stands if their first hand adds up to 8 or 9. If the total is 6 or 7, the player also stands. If the total is 5 or less, the player draws another card.

What are the banker rules in Baccarat?

The banker stands if their first hand adds up to 8 or 9. If the total is 7, the banker also stands. The banker draws another card based on specific rules if the player draws a third card.

Can I exceed a hand value of 9 in Baccarat?

No, in Baccarat, the hand value cannot exceed 9. If the total exceeds 9, the tens digit is dropped.

Kate WebbEditor in Chief

With over ten years of experience working with gambling and writing about casinos, Kate brings a lot of knowledge to Kate oversees all the content written on to ensure it contains factual information with value to you as a player.